As far as we know, there are no limitations in how you choose to use our templates. You can add as many pages as necessary, edit the navigation links, and easily replace any or all of the sample images with those of your own. While we try to make our templates easy to use, if you have questions or need specific "how-to" information, please email us and we'll be happy to help.
Template Imagery
Because our templates have specific imagery, we often include several small images placed on many of the pages. Each of these can be deleted and you can add your own site-related graphics. We have given you a way to easily “float” your image to either the left or right of the page so that your text smoothly flows around your pictures.
Aligning an image to the left:
Once your image
has been inserted on the page, you can use the Style toolbar to select “imageleft-border” class. This
CSS class will position your image to the left side of the containment block and apply a border style so that your text can flow
around it.
Don't want a border around the image? You can still have your image positioned to the left but with a nice visual border by choosing the "imageleft-noborder" class.
Aligning an image to the right:
Once your image
has been inserted on the page, you can use the Style toolbar to select “imageright-border” class. This
CSS class will position your image to the right side of the containment block and apply a border style so that your text can flow
around it.
Don't want a border around the image? You can still have your image positioned to the right but with a nice visual border by choosing the "imageright-noborder" class.
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Learn More
Designing a web site should be fun! We hope you enjoy using our template package. If you run into a problem when editing your new web, just contact us for quick and easy answers.